Friday, May 13, 2005

Past the Comedy Stop Sign

Four Hands, Cream Sherry, The Master, and Spike all met up for margaritas and mexican food before the evenings play began. The initial marg did not sit well with 4H who is currently suffering from broken face syndrome. Literally a fractured cheekbone. Someday he'll learn to stick to poker instead of "real" sports. Of course he's never had gun threatened to be drawn on him in a basketball game...
Anyhow, the action was fast and furious. Four Hands brought two bottles of bubbly in honor of an online tourney win and their was much rejoicing. Spike lost his first buy-in right-quick and took a trip to the ATM. When he sat back down the following hand developped in a game of Anaconda Hi-Lo. It was checked around to the Professional who promtly raised it up to 2 with a deuce showing. and it was called in five spots. On second street it got interesting. The Professional, no showing 23, raised it up again and Spike (on his left) quickly re-raised showing QT. Note: Spike is fairly drunk after two marg's and some champagne. Four Hands agonized and finally folded his 9 full of eights. The Master, to his left, showing A5, agonized and then called. At which point the short-stacked Let's Gamble re-raised again! The Professional then FOLDED (he had 3's full of 2's! And Spike capped it! The Master called and Let's Gamble tossed in his final chips. Spike bet out and the Master called the two remaining streets. When the dust settled Spike raked in a 55+ dollar pot with quad queens vs. the Master's aces full vs. Let's Gamble's king's full! Possibly the largest single pot in the history of the home game at almost 30 BB's.
Their was much hilarity and Four Hands had to toss in fifty four times. Unfortunately the broken face syndrome and mild illness have wiped out FH's memory of the events beyond the fact that they were "funny."
Spike was the first out of the tournament. 4H and Let's Gamble were short stacked early. 4H when he called Craig's all-in with AT and the A of hearts vs. Craig's kings on a board of QJ85 with three hearts. But both 4H and LG were patient and managed to hang on. Hans was shorted when he called 4H's all in (A9) with JTs and the A's held up. Three Hour couldn't buy a break and lost numerous hands as a big favorite. Cream Sherry played patiently and gradually built up a stack. The Master started moving in frequently, but his hands held up. He eventually knocked 4H out in fourth when 4H raised on the button and he came over the top from the SB and 4H was pot-committed with Q4s to The Master's AJ. The Master then knocked out Cream Sherry when he moved in from the SB with Rockets and Cream called with A6s. Heads up The Master and Slick battled until Slick moved in with 55 and the Master called with K4s and the fives held.

Until next week.


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