Sunday, May 01, 2005

A "good" beat

From Slick Willy:

In an attempt to reverse the karma from all the bad beat stories on this
post, I feel the need to share this story: the worst beat I've ever given
someome, or perhaps ever seen. why not?

And just so you know, when you wonder who are these censored on PP who get
those cards that make you wonder if there's a PP conspiracy, or if God just
simply hates you? Yeah, I'm now that guy. And no, we don't hate you. We just
can't help it. It's just our nature, just as the scorpion MUST sting the
frog, so must "we" lay these horrible beats upon you. So please attend,
ladies and gentlemen... my confession.

11 people left in a Pot Limit Omaha/8 mtt. Big jump in money from 11 to 10.
I'm in good chip position, maybe third. I get to see a cheap flop with my
A3Tx, and the flop comes down 25T, all diamonds, of which I have none. The
dude on my right bets the min, and we're so close to the money jump that I
feel like I have a great chance to semibluff and pick up his bet and the
pot. So I raise him all in; even if he calls I've got SO many outs, right?
So, not only does have already have the NUT FLUSH, but he has the A3 as
well! Aw yeah, my instincts are impeccable!

Now, it's at this point that I have a change in my nature, that I am
transformed from the guy who can barely restrain himself from throwing his
computer out the window to the guy who lays such heavy bondage upon this
man. (Is it any coincidence that it's Passover? I think not.)

So, back to the hand, the turn and the river are BOTH tens, and I quaded
that poor man right out the door. And I do feel bad. I do. This may have
been hard to decipher that between my shrieks of "yes, yes" and "whoo,
whoo"... but I do and did feel... bad. Sir! If you are out there, hear me
and hear me well... IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. A stronger man might have called up
tech support and INSISTED that they run the hand twice, or somehow tried to
make them see it in their hearts to let you back in that tourney because YOU
desevered to win that hand. Yes, a stronger man might have.


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