Thursday, May 05, 2005

Slow day at the office

It was a slow day for the Hustlers last night. Rooster, the Master, and Four Hands started the game going and it was only a few hands before Four Hands had lost half his stack with Ace up and Trip tens (twice!) playing three-handed five draw. Eventually Slick wandered out of rehersal and sat down and Let's Gamble showed up, too.
Four Hands chugged pineapple juice all night in a strangely sober outing. Mexican beer was the drink of choice for the others. Like last week Four Hands seemed obligated to give all his money to Slick, the worst hand coming when he hit two pair on fourth street while Slick caught trip twos, the other two was showing and Four Hands was certain he remembered the fourth being folded as well. It wasn't until Three Hour arrived late in the evening that Four Hands was able to climb out of his hole and recover to only being down half a buy-in (from down two and a half). The key hand was an omaha highly, with a small bet and called around on the flop. Four Hands held 3456 and the flop came A47 (2 clubs) giving him the max wrap. A dollar bet was called by Three Hour and then raised another by Lets Gamble. Four Hands tossed in another two, and from there is was a big bet every street until the 5 came on the river counterfeiting Let's Gamble's 35 and giving Four Hands the straight and the low. Three Hour then proceeded to give away the rest of his buy-in in record time. Primarily to Lets Gamble.
"Man lets gamble has really taken all the money in the last orbit" -- Four Hands
(mumbling) "More like two" -- Let's Gamble
The Master was unwell and decided to head home early so the tournament was played five handed. Slick built up a nice stack in a four way pot when he caught a third seven and Three Hour and Let's Gamble folded to his all-in. Then Let's Gamble raised and Four Hands called. Slick Willy started grumbling "Why do I think you have a monster?" and staring down Four Hands who'd been giving off tells like William himself. Finally Slick declared "I'll put you all in." and Let's Gamble quickly folded and Four Hands quickly called, indeed, with _the_ monster: Rockets. Which held up against Slick's AQ.
It was only a few hands later that that once again Let's Gamble raised. Four Hands raised 4x more, enough to put Let's Gamble in and Slick quickly called to his left. Let's Gamble called and they took the flop three handed. It came down Q high and Slick declared "Where's my AQ now?" and checked Four Hands raised him all in and Slick quickly called with his, indeed, AQ. Four Hands turned over the KQs and Lets Gamble showed his KQo! The case Q on the flopp doomed them and Slick now had a monster stack, Let's Gamble was out, and Four Hands was crippled.
The shortish stacked Three Hour soon limped from utg and they took the flop three handed. It came down 774 and Four Hand's was annoyed he'd folded the T4. Three Hour bet out at the flop and Slick called. The turn was another seven and 3hr moved in and Slick "I call with my QUADS!" and turned over the 76o leaving 3 hour with no outs (he claimed he was on a draw anyhow).
A few hands later (still in the first round) Rooser limped and four hands moved in from the button and Slick called. Four Hands had the 87 to Slick's A6. A seven on the flop looked good, but running sixes knocked out 4H and it was heads up with 4 hands left in the first round! Slick had a massive (5-1) chip lead but Rooster was not dead yet. Slick refused to let him limp and built up his lead with frequent pre-flop raises. But the Rooster doubled through when he held QJ to Slick's 97 with a J and a 7 on the flop. Then the Rooser gained the lead when he held K4 and the flop came KTx and Slick paired the ten and called him down. The final hand came down when the Rooster raised pre with KQ and slick called with 67c. The flop cam AT9 (two clubs) and the Rooster bet out. Slick called. A J on the Turn meant the Rooster wasn't going anywhere and Slick was pot-committed with his flush draw which failed to materialize and the tourney was over.
The Rooster is 2 for two, both times taking out Slick in second place.


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