Thursday, April 21, 2005

Three Silent Robotic Monkeys

Well, they weren't actually all that silent. Or robot. But by the end of the night they were vaguely simian. It was a short-handed night with Three Hour, Lets Gamble, Spike all away and Cream Sherry under the weather. Four Hands, Slick, The Master, and The Professional started the game, although to the delight of the others Slick delayed things for a quick trip to the supply shop for some Tilt Juice and Parrot Bay. Or is that Stella and Tilt Juice? Hmmm...
The newcomer Rooster soon joined, and the lovely Karen followed suit. Six handed the usual games ensued, with Slick going on a crazy drunken tear and destroying the ring games. Four Hands ended up on the strength of a single hand of seven stud hi-lo when he had the Ace flush and a237 low draw on sixth street vs The Professionals two pair and Slick's 5678 draw. Slick reraised Four Hands to "isolate" and both The Professional and Four Hands ended up all in much to The Professionals chagrin. Slick's isolation play served as the subject of much debate for the rest of the evening. The cards ran against The Professional and Karen all night.
Tourney play begame early at around 9:30. On the first hand The Master raised utg, but ended up folding on the flop of TT3 to Slick's raise. On the second hand 4H raised UTG and Rooster re-raised only to have 4H move in. The Rooster called and turned over KJs to 4H's pocket Ladies. Unfortunately for 4H the flop came down KJ8 and the river game Rooster Kings full. Two hands and Four Hands was done.
The next hand Rooster made it four to go from under the gun and the maste moved in from the small blind. Rooster called this time tabling the KQ of spades to the Master's pocket ladies! The suited queens were good to the Rooster who rivered the spade flush and sent the master out on hand 3. Karen then tried to bluff a big pot with K2 to Jeff's K8 on a flop of Q82 only to check call him down on the river. The Professional managed to slowplay himself until he was beat when he held T9 on the small blind to Karen's 89s on the BB. The flop came TT6 rainbow and he led out a small amount. Karen called and the turn brought 4 making two hearts. The Proffesional checked (planning to check raise the agressive Karen) only to have her check behind him. The river brought the seemingly innocuous 7c and a raise, re-raise, all-in later and the Professional was down to a few meagre dollars.
It looked like he might recover when he was all in with Q4 vs Karen with QJ and had her reverse dominated on a flop of T4K. The turn K didn't help her, but the river Q meant her jack out kicked him!
"We're just fucking around. Time for some headgames." said Karen as she raise, re-raised, and folded to Slick's betting. But then she took down a big one moving all in with AQ on a flop of T72 with Slick folding his 75. Discussion ensued. It was determined that "It's better to be a subtle dick than an outright one." To which Slick responded "Deal'em up Sally!"
Karen quickly exited in third when she moved in for her last 750 with the blinds at 100-200 with KQ only find Rooster holding AQ. She had an open ender on the turn, but no A or 9 on the river and she was out.
Rooster and Slick traded hands back and forth, but in the end Slick could overcome Roosters massive chip lead and went down when his pocket eights got called by TJs and a J came on the turn.
10:30. Rooster and the Proffessional took off. The Master decides to leave due to an early doctor's appointment for his wife. For some reason Four Hands decided to start drinking. Karen and slick demanded further play so Four Hands and Slick and her all threw in ten dollars and began a no-limit cash game with a single 25 cent blind. Four Hands lost it all to Slick on the first hand when Slick flopped a flush to his top pair and flush draw. Unfortunately for 4H his draw wasn't as good as Slick's made flush and he was dead on the turn. But ten dollars more and he had a new stack! And a new Stella. An hour later Karen beau Tom arrived and threw down ten himself. 4H called a all-in turn bet from Karen with 43 on a board of K35K and she tables her A7 and re-buys. Slick re-bluffes 4H on a board of AQT86. 4H claims to have had 54. Slick claims to have had 7x. No one knows. Slick jumps up and says "I am a scorpion! RARR! It is my nature!" And so Four Hands relates the tale of the frog and the scorpion to Tom and Karen.
At some point Four Hands looks up to find what coan only be described as a goblet of gold schlager in front of him. The time is approximately 1:15. Slick exclaims "I love getting sentimental with the bitches!" It is determined that the correct scientational term for Slick is biz-natch. Slick tells Four Hands "You're not Willis tonight, boy, they way you're playing, you're Wilson!" Slick then mutters "I'm sorry I kicked you Wilson" repeated under his breath for the rest of the evening. Four Hands wins two big pots from Slick, one on a stone-cold bluff, and after Slick declared "That's 2 hands I've been beaten by Wilson" 4H jumps up and shouts "I have become Willis!"
Karen feels really bad when she calls all-in with QJo on a board of A94 vs 4h's A3 and the turn is an 8 and the river a T. It is declared that she has become sentimental. And she takes the money. She feels bad, but takes the money. Soon thereafter Willis feels bad when he puts her all in on the turn with 78(8c) on a board of 3567 (3c) and she has 53 for two pair but he rivers a 7. "I'm feeling poor Mrs. Lederman. Can Josh come out and play?" quipps Willis.
The four players run out of beer. Karen passes out on the couch. Tom check-raises Slick all in with two pair and Slick calls with A5 and an A on board. Tom calls a 30 dollar all in with AK on a flop of 379 vs Willis's J7s, the sevens hold. The final three hands are declared. Slick moves in on a board of KJ4 with QJ only to find Tom holding K6s. Karen and Tom leave.
Four Hands passes out on Slick's couch at 3am.
It was a good night.


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