Thursday, September 22, 2005

High/Low/Slow Roll

The Irrational Monkey called in sick and the game started with four players: Slick, Four Hands, The Master, and Zimran. The Master started out with trip fours on the first hand to take a fair pot from Four Hands in five card. The first hand curse then devastated the rest of his evening, although the first re-buy blessing did help offset it a bit. Three Hour then showed up and Let's Gamble arrived nice and stinky after a volleyball session to round out the evening.

Four Hands was disturbingly sober, and yet found it impossible to read/remember his cards. An interesting hand came up between Four Hands and The Master in Seven Stuf hi-lo. Showing AJ87 Four Hands bet seventh street without looking at his hole card and The Master called. Looking at the hole card (the five of clubs), Four Hands says "I don't think I have anything. Nope." And the Master turns over two pair. Then Four hands looks at his over two down cards (69) and says, wait, I have a straight! Um. And a low." And everyone makes fun of him for his mistaken slow-roll and he apologized profusely to the Master and felt bad. But he took the money.

A few hands later on Four Hand's deal he called Kings and Three. It was checked around to Four Hands before the draw and he shrugged and said "Free cards!" Most people took two or three cards. And then it was checked around to Four Hands again! People started showing their weak pairs, and Three Hour was leading with a pair of tens when Four Hands turned over his cards and said "Tens are good. All I have is a pair of threes." He was genuinely confused when everyone started laughing having completely forgotten that he himself had called Kings and Threes! This time Four Hands felt so bad he didn't even take the money, just left it in the pot for the next game.

During the tourney in the a battle of the blinds, Four Hands limped with K8 and Slick checked. The flop came down K87 all heards. Four Hands checked and Slick (on a short stack) quickly checked behind him. The turn came another eight and Fourhand bet out the pot and Slick moved in and turned of 54 of hearts for the flopped flush! Four Hands the says "You're going to hate me, but I have the boat!" and then he turned over K7??? "No, I think I love you" responded Slick as Four Hands stared in amazement at his pair of kings no kicker and shipped the chips to Slick.

Slick and Four Hands got knocked out of the first tourney (won by Three Hour heads up vs. Zimran) and began playing a limit freeze-out heads up. Four Hands repeatedly got to a 16 to 1 advantage, but could never finish Slick off. At one point Four Hands limped on the button with T3 suited and Slick raised. Four Hands called. The flop came K92 with one spade. Slick bet and Four Hands called. The turn was the Q of spades. Slick bet again and Four Hands called. The right was an off-suit deuce and it was checked down and Four Hands says "I got a ten." Slick says, that's good and mucks! And then Four Hands turns over Ten-Deuce for the trips, once again having forgotten his cards and slow rolled. Although not really, since the ten was good. Although Slick lamented that the slow roll did give him the pain of having to admit that ten-high had him beat.

But then Slick went on to win two four-handed tourneys in a row. Taking down Let's Gamble in on and Four Hands in the other.

And several bottle of wine were consumed.

Four Hands may be re-dubbed Slow Roll...


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