Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Spilliams or Creamed Sherry

Been awhile.
Happennings began about 1:30 at Lanes and Games. The wait for a lane was half an hour. Four Hands ordered a white Russian and some chicken fingers. The bartender was harried. Five birthday parties for pre-teens and a tourney were all packing the house. One man ordered 2 milks, five orange juices, a diet coke, and four bud lights. Mostly Four Hands wondered who the diet coke was for. There were no mom's present as near as Four Hands could see.
The Master showed up while Four Hands was sipping the incredibly strong white Russian. He got a beer. The chicken fingers came. Four Hands reached for one and promptly spilled the white russian all over the bar. Spill the first. While handing him napkins to wipe up the creamy liquid, The Master knocked over his beer. Spill the second.
Then there was bowling. The two Hustlers bowled well. And in the lane next two us were three characters who were all pseudo twins of friends and aquaintances of Four Hands. Both in look and personality. Not quite dopplegangers, but damn close. They bowled their hearts out, but the rock climbing on saturday had Four Hands tired and the Master was just plane off his game. Although they did work a nice curveball in to his repertoir. And Four Hands bowled a turkey in the last game.
Then it was off to the castle for some cards. It was four handed with Four Hands, the Master, Slick Willy, and Cream Sherry tossing chips back and fourth. 4H won a small pot and promptly spilled half his beer on the table. Spill the third. Then he served Cream Sherry the worst possible beat in existance when his natural straight flush beat Cream's five of a kind. Its a house rule. And he looked liked he'd been punched in the face. 4h's reaction? Spill his beer all over his pants. Spill the fourth.
Gradually more hustlers showed up. Including two wives. One pregnant. After the pregnant wife pounded the betting like made and finally got called down and showed her bluff we were all amazed. Four Hand's comment "I thought she had a big pair." To which the Rooster responded "And they'll only get bigger with the pregnancy." Three Hour's wife remained beat red for the rest of the evening. Cream Sherry had no cash and re-bought with trade script for the enormous room. Which is as good as cash in our game. As is beer. Slick Willy railed on society when he proclaimed that "beer is like money, yet if you give a woman beer and take her home you don't go to jail, but if you give a woman money and take her home, you do." 4h pointed out the issues with that statement and he got depressed. There was also much argument about Black History month and the fact that it was presidents day which might as well be White History day, cutting the already short month shorter by another day. Is it a conspiracy? We don't know. But we do know that Four Hands managed to once again spill a beer all over his pantz and the table and half the room. We're really not sure how he sent it into its crazy dancing spiral of spewing brew, but, well, these things happen. Spill the fifth. He also injured his eye on his beer bottle while bending over to count his chips. Thankfully no one noticed.
The ring games ended when Three Hour's eights hit quads on the river and he managed to check-raise Cream Sherry who had pocket kings. Three Hour then pistoled his hands while screaming "oh yeah! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Cream Sherry looked punched in the gut this time instead of the face. He declined to play in the tourney and left. Four Hands, for one, doesn't blame him one bit.
Then Four Hands beat out the Master's wife head's up to take down the tourney making it one of his most profitable hustler days ever. Naturally he took the trade script for the Enormous Room. Yummy!