Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mondays, Bloody Mondays

The game started short handed. The Master, Slick, Let's Gamble, and Four Hands sat down. Rooster soon showed, but took a moment to fix Slick's water closet before joining the games (much appreciated). Slick brought the champagne in honor of a pot-limit omaha hi-lo multiple take down for his biggest tourney pay to date. He doesn't really like champagne. So next time he's buying a case of beer to celebrate. Somehow, amazingly, he managed to get drunk despite his dislike.

When the play actually commenced Four Hands lost three quarters of his stack rapidly and had to re-buy for another ten. Slick did the same. Let's Gamble also was bitten by the rebuy demon. Who was the recepient of their largesse? The Master, who kept picking up pots left and right. The Rooster was learning from the book, apparently he payed a lot of attention to "chapter 13: Isolating with only a low in split pot games and other advanced concepts"

Cream Sherry and Lonely Capybara showed up, followed soon by Three Hour when the following hand developped. It was a game of "Gay Willy What-What?" or Omaha Hi Double Flop. On the river the boards read 669tK and 498KQ (3diamonds). It came down to three players. The Master, Three Hour, and Slick Willy. A big bet on the river and the call around and Three shows his cards in shame. The Master declares his 78 for a straight on the top and Slick shows top two pair on the bottom with KQ. Three Hour (holding 6d4dQJ) mutters "Crap, all I have is trips on top and a weaker two on the bottom. The pot is being divided when Four Hands notices the two piddly diamonds in his hand and corrects him on the bottom board to his glee and Slick's chagrin. Then the Master, unable to contain himself and steal half the pot, points out the his QJ is also good for a higher straight on the top board. Four Hands then declares that Three hour is paying a stupidity tax and makes him return one big bet to the two others for the worst slow roll in Hustler history. Three Hour gives them the money and they don't even feel bad about it.

Cream Sherry muttered penis a lot. Occasionally declaiming loudly and randomly. We don't know why. The Loneliest refused to play anything but Hold'em and Anaconda and took home a nice profit. There were many gay raises.

The tournament begain with seven. Few flops we seen and uncalled over-the top pre-flops all-in were common. Eventually it came down to Cream Sherry and the Master, with cream holding a big chip lead after he busted Four Hands by making a great call with AK on a Q65 flop to take down Four Hands stone cold with the 97o. The Loneliest came in third. The final had had The Master's 69s versus Cream Sherry's A4o. An A on the flop sealed the deal.

Hustlers departed. Four Hands gambled a seven dollar hand blind vs. Three Hour and won with J8 vs. J2. Then he re-gambled blind with Slick, only to lose with QT to QJ when he hit his T on the turn to give Slick broadways. Then for unknown reasons Slick, Let's Gamble, Three Hour, and Four Hands sat down for some no-limit side games. They each threw in 12 or so and sat down. Four Hands lost his first buy in in something like four hands when he moved in on a a flop of AT3 with QT only to find Slick holding A9. He waffled, but gave in to pressure and threw down another twenty. And raised 3/4 hands from then on.

Slick told the group of his work on a grammar book. An altercation with Let's Gamble ensued. "How many books have you written, huh?" exclaimed Slick. To which Four Hands yelled "Right me the book of my flop, bitch!" And the then raised. and moved in on the flop of QJ4 with T9o. For those wondering he bluffed T9 7 times during the course of the evening. Four Hands moved Slick back in to profitablity when he limp reraised all in with AKs and Slick called with pocket threes. Four Hands forgot to factor in the drunken factor. The play then shifted to omaha hi and omaha hi-lo. Still no-limit. Omaha hi was banned for few rounds after Four Hands won six of the seven hands of it. He was "hit by the deck" as they say. On of the biggest pots coming when slick called him pre flop with Ah236h. Four Hands held AsTsJd7d. The flop came AQ6. Four Hands check raised all in and Slick called with two pair. The seven on the river gave four hands the bigger two pair.

At 1:12 just after Three Hour lost another ten dollar buy-in and was getting up to leave Four Hands declared "I only have about ten left in me. Minutes. That is." Three Hour promptly sat back down and said "Since you put it that way I think I have about ten dollars left in my pocket!" He then managed to climb back to 25 after he flopped a wheel in a round of Omaha Hi-lo and Four Hands moved in with something stupid.

Play finally ended just before two o'clock.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Twos Never Lose

Slick just couldn't do anything right last night. If he started with a high pair, someone caught two pair on him. It was a rough night of ring games and he bowed out early.

Four Hands bowed out first in the tournament after losing 1/3 of his stack on the first hand and bluffing off six dollars in to Spike. Let's Gamble was soon to follow. The Rooster lost it all to the other big stack of Scares Willy when she called on the BB with the rockets and he caught a Q on the flop to go with his KQs. Slick couldn't catch a break. He moved in with 64s and picked up a split pot when he was called by Scares with 62! Finally his all in from the SB with K9s ran in to Spike's pocket Jerks and he was out. The Irrational Monkey claimed she was going to make an appearance, but her stack just dwindled until she was eventually blinded off. But she did outlast four other "players." Spike gave his chips to King Jo when he moved in from the BB with K9s only to find King Jo with his signature hand. Heads up it was Scares and the King and the lead shifted back numerous times. Scares was too tired to think and King Jo was too scared to call. Finally he moved in on a board of KT8 with pocket nines and Scares called with QT. Unfortunately the scary 9 fell on the river giving the King a big chip advantage. The money went in again a few hands later when Scares held A4s and the King had AJo. The J played and that was the tourney.